Ukrainian autocephaly. After one year. All this past year the CEMES foundation worked on a scholarly project, which examined the Ukrainian crisis from a theological, historical and canonical perspective, always in relation to the triptych: Primacy-Conciliarity-Autocephaly. Interference impossible to ignore, or what should the state do with religious policy? The atheistic government of China and theocratic government of Iran, the mighty United States and tiny Andorra — just every one of them. In the context of recent events in the Orthodox world, disputes over the boundaries of church institutions often arise between the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Kyiv and Moscow.
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ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Налоговые вычеты на детей 2018Ukrainian autocephaly. After one year. All this past year the CEMES foundation worked on a scholarly project, which examined the Ukrainian crisis from a theological, historical and canonical perspective, always in relation to the triptych: Primacy-Conciliarity-Autocephaly. Interference impossible to ignore, or what should the state do with religious policy? The atheistic government of China and theocratic government of Iran, the mighty United States and tiny Andorra — just every one of them.
In the context of recent events in the Orthodox world, disputes over the boundaries of church institutions often arise between the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Kyiv and Moscow. Ukraine accuses Russia of misappropriating the territory of the Kyiv Metropolis. The first question that arises concerning Ukraine is this: with what right and based on which holy canons, does Russia today claim the ecclesiastical and administrative dependency of the Metropolis of Kyiv? On March 10, , at Lviv, the Orthodox Church of Russia, under pressure from the Soviet government, forcefully integrated the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and claimed jurisdiction over it.
All serious historians and theologians have no doubts that the March synod of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church at Lviv was only a sham. Bohdan Bociurkiw, who was a professor of history at Carleton University in Ottawa, wrote a comprehensive survey on this matter and it has never been contradicted. Nicolas Lossky, a French Orthodox theologian who is a member of the Patriarchate of Moscow, also recognized that this was a false synod.
Because of its suppression in and until , the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which counted more than 5 million adherents, became, in fact, both the principle victim and the principle force of opposition, within the borders of the USSR, to the Soviet regime. Thus we make an appeal to the present day Orthodox authorities in Russia and Ukraine and elsewhere, to recognize the invalidity of the tragic decisions of the council of Lviv.
However we, as Orthodox Christians, living 70 years after the events, feel responsible for the culpable silence surrounding the destruction of this Church by the Soviet regime with the participation of the Patriarchate of Moscow. We know that millions of Orthodox Christians in the world firmly condemn the anti-religious persecutions of the Soviet government and of Joseph Djougachvili in particular.
Thus, on this commemorative day of March 10 and on the eve of Sunday, March 13 , Sunday of the Great Pardon in the Orthodox liturgical calendar, we assure the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of our solidarity, of our prayers for all the innocent victims of this Church who were imprisoned, tortured, deported and assassinated by the Soviet government with the complicity of the Patriarchate of Moscow. We humbly ask their pardon for all the injustices they have suffered under the cover of the Orthodox Church and we bow down before the martyrs of this Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
Побудували державу? Ви це серйозно? Тепер не так??? Як православна християнка розумiю подiбний крок. Незважаючи на приязнь чи то неприязнь завжди потрiбно просити вибачення за скоену бiду. Але як людинi хотiлося б почути зворотне вибачення хоча б за 90тi роки. Тi, хто пiдпалював священницьке житло, хто бив старостiв храмiв i активних прихожан УПЦ, живi i, здебiльшого, вважають, що чинили правильно. Розумiю, що це - мученицький шлях Христа, проте так тяжко смиренно приймати ляпаси i просити вибачення за здiйсненi нашим пракерiвництвом грiхи.
Закарпатська обл. Сan leave comments only to registered visitors Еnter. Не зможемо це забути. Президент Владимир Зеленский по праву выразил мысли всех патриотов, объединяя и вдохновляя их на борьбу в память о насильственной гибели миллионов соотечественников, за освобождение страны от. Голодомор в Украине это не стихийное природное бедствие, а сознательная, подлая политика, идеология врагов рода человеческого, ненавистников Бога, правды и справедливости, партийцев-ленинцев и их.
Metropolitan Hilarion complains about the enemies of Moscow who disrupted his meeting with Pompeo. The items contained in the Religious Information Service of Ukraine may be used, in part or in their entirety, by quoting the source. Login enter Register. Go to photo gallery. Article illustration: 1photo. To vote you must Еnter.
Since the s he has been living in exile in Damascus, Syria, under the name of "Georg Fischer. Bodyguards constantly protect Brunner, who is now 76 or 77 years old; West Germany, Austria and France have asked for his extradition. In , the West German magazine Bunte published an interview in Damascus with Brunner, accompanied with color photographs. He told the Munich weekly that he had "no bad conscience" about his wartime work.
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