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Написать жалобу во внутренний отдел контроля

Написать жалобу во внутренний отдел контроля

This region is a major drain point of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet WAIS and considered by some scientists to be the most likely site for the initiation of major ice sheet collapse. The extent of ice covering the continent was much larger than it is today. The seabed troughs and channels that are now exposed provide new clues about the speed and flow of the ice sheet. They indicate that the controlling mechanisms that move ice towards the coast and into the sea are more complex than previously thought.

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ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Как правильно написать жалобу

This region is a major drain point of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet WAIS and considered by some scientists to be the most likely site for the initiation of major ice sheet collapse. The extent of ice covering the continent was much larger than it is today. The seabed troughs and channels that are now exposed provide new clues about the speed and flow of the ice sheet. They indicate that the controlling mechanisms that move ice towards the coast and into the sea are more complex than previously thought.

It is very important for scientists and our society to understand fully how polar ice flows into the sea. Our research tells us more about how the ice sheet responded to warming at the end of the last ice age, and how processes at the ice sheet bed controlled its flow. This is a big step toward understanding of how the ice sheets are likely to respond to future warming. The area of the Amundsen Sea embayment surveyed was km 2. In the western Amundsen Sea embayment three km wide troughs extend seaward from the modern ice shelf front.

This is roughly with width of the English Channel. Individual streamlined features carved into the seabed are about as wide as a motorway. The Antarctic ice sheet retreated to near its present limit around 10 thousand years ago. It is the layer of ice up to m thick covering the Antarctic continent. It is formed from snow falling in the interior of the Antarctic which compacts into ice.

The ice sheet slowly moves towards the coast, eventually breaking away as icebergs which gradually melt into the sea. The ice sheet covering East Antarctica is very stable, because it lies on rock that is above sea level and is thought unlikely to collapse. The West Antarctic is less stable, because it sits on rock below sea level. An ice shelf is a thick m , floating platform of ice that forms where a glacier or ice sheet flows down to a coastline and onto the ocean surface. Ice shelves are found in Antarctica, Greenland and Canada only.

Just as rivers collect water and allow it to flow downhill a glacier is actually a "river" of ice. A glacier flows much more slowly than river. Rivers of ice within ice sheets account for most of the drainage into the oceans. The relatively shallow generally up to meters seabed surrounding a continent where the depth gradually increases before it plunges into the deep ocean. Around Antarctica the continental shelf is up to m deep as a result of millions of years of glacial erosion.

The deepest parts of the Antarctic continental shelf are near the present ice margin and depths generally decrease offshore. Materials provided by British Antarctic Survey. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Science News. Journal Reference : Larter et al. Subglacial bedforms reveal complex basal regime in a zone of paleo-ice stream convergence, Amundsen Sea embayment, West Antarctica. Geology , ; 37 5 : DOI: ScienceDaily, 6 May British Antarctic Survey.

Retrieved September 23, from www. Their report explains how ice shelf thinning and collapse These new results enable researchers to better understand Carved by earlier advances of ice during colder Below are relevant articles that may interest you. ScienceDaily shares links with scholarly publications in the TrendMD network and earns revenue from third-party advertisers, where indicated. Boy or Girl? Living Well. View all the latest top news in the environmental sciences, or browse the topics below:.

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Можайск — город областного подчинения, расположенный на западе Московской области. Численность населения порядка 30 тысяч человек. Исполнительно-распорядительные функции в рамках существующего законодательства и в интересах жителей города выполняет местная администрация. Граждане могут обращаться в орган местного самоуправления в случае нарушения своих прав и интересов. Администрация Можайска — основной орган, обладающий полномочиями в бюджетной сфере, в вопросах распределения финансов, экономики, строительства, транспорта, жилищного хозяйства, коммунального обслуживания, образования, культуры, спорта, охраны порядка и защиты от ЧС.

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